

Product Name / No.

Product Features

  • Ensure sustainable and equitable use of resources without degrading the environment or risking health or safety
  • Prevent and control degradation of land, water, vegetation and air
  • Conserve and enhance natural and man-made heritage, including biological diversity of unique ecosystems
  • Improve condition and productivity of degraded areas
  • Raise awareness and understanding of the link between environment and development
  • Promote individual and community participation
  • Promote international cooperation

Product Description

Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the natural environment on individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit of both the natural environment and humans.
Due to the pressures of population and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently.
This has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation.
Since the 1960s, activity of environmental movements has created awareness of the various environmental issues. There is no agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity, and protection measures are occasionally criticized.

Academic institutions now offer courses, such as environmental studies, environmental management and environmental engineering, that teach the history and methods of environment protection. Protection of the environment is needed due to various human activities.
Waste production, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity (resulting from the introduction of invasive species and species extinction) are some of the issues related to environmental protection.
Environmental protection is influenced by three interwoven factors: environmental legislation, ethics and education. Each of these factors plays its part in influencing national-level environmental decisions and personal-level environmental values and behaviors.
For environmental protection to become a reality, it is important for societies to develop each of these areas that, together, will inform and drive environmental decisions.

Product Specifications

  1. National Heritage Sites
  2. World Heritage Sites
  3. RAMSAR wetlands
  4. Nationally endangered or threatened species and ecological communities
  5. Nuclear activities and actions
  6. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
  7. Migratory species
  8. Commonwealth Marine areas